Doctrine Of Ultra Vires

Explanation of Doctrine Of Ultra Vires with Landmark Case Law Doctrine of Ultra Vires‘Ultra’ means ‘beyond’ and ‘vires’ means ‘powers’. The term ultra vires for a company means actswhich are beyond the legal power and authority of the company, if an act is ultra vires it does notcreate any legal […]
Doctrine Of Indoor Management

Explanation of Doctrine Of Indoor Management with Landmark Case law Doctrine Of Indoor Management Indoor Management Doctrine of indoor management protects the interests of the outsiders, As per this doctrine the outsider is not suppose to have the knowledge regarding the internal management and functioningof the company and his or […]

Important Highlights 1. Under Section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act, a Gift is the transfer of certain existing movable or immovable property made voluntarily and without consideration by one person called the Donor to another person called Donee and accepted by or on behalf of the Donee. 2. […]