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Year: 2022

Plaintiff / Appellant

Word: Plaintiff / Appellant Meaning: A person who brings a case against another (defendant) in a court of law. A plaintiff is a party who initiates a lawsuit (also known as action) before a court and by doing so the plaintiff seeks a legal remedy if successful then the court […]

Mere Animal Existence – A Critical Analysis Essay


“Prison is a second by second assault on the soul, a day to day degradation of the self, an oppressive steel and brick umbrella that transforms seconds into hours and hours into days” Mumia Abu-Jamal. Along the line, we humans have forgotten what it means, what is the purpose of prison and what it means to imprison a human being.

The Role of Judiciary in Protecting Human Rights

Role of judiciary in protecting human rights

Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected as legal rights in the manciple and international law, they are commonly understood as in inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled to simply because he or she is a human being and which are inherent in all the human beings.

Life Insurance Corporation Of India V Prof. Manubhai D. Shah

LIC V PRof. Manubhai D Shah

“Everyone is in favour of free speech, hardly a day passes without it being extolled but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage” Sir Winston Churchill. Human beings are blessed with the gift of speech through which they can express and convey their thoughts to another.

P.A Jacob V The Superintendent Of Police

P A Jacob V superintendent of police

“Noise is the most impertinent of all forms of interruption. it is not only an interruption, but also a disruption of thought” Arthur Schopenhauer. Freedom of speech is the protector of all liberties, speech is a ability which individuals posses to reflect and to speak freely to gather information from others through various mediums like publications and public dialogue without fearing of being restricted and repressed by the government.

Indra Sawhney V Union Of India

Indra Sawhney V Union of India

The reservation system should be a system out of respect for all individuals and a reward should be granted to the deserving one’s. This case is popularly known as the Mandal Commission case. The idea of reservation in India is of reserving seats for the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and the other backward classes in government jobs, educational facilities and other fields as they do not have the footing to get themselves into these fields on their own.

K.M. Nanavati V State of Maharashtra

K M Nanavati V State of maharashtra

“Adultery occurs in the head long before it occurs in the bed” Chuck Swindoll. As modern India’s
first upper-class crime of passion, the K.M Nanavati case held the nation in thrall. One the most
high profile cases which India has witnessed, two people in marriage make it a good marriage but
a third in a marriage makes it a bad marriage as it only requires two to tango.