Suit No._____ of 2022
Rajat Sharma
Sr.no.07, Mohan Nagar, Maharashtra Plaintiff
Rahul Singh
Mohan Nagar, Maharashtra Defendant
Suit for the injunction on the use of lake water for bathing of cows and buffaloes.
The plaintiff submitted as under:
The plaintiff is a resident of Mohan Nagar, Maharashtra and the defendant is a neighbour of the plaintiff.
Use of lake water near the house of the plaintiff, which is used by the resident of sr.no.08 ie defendant as a bathing place for his cows and buffaloes.
That the defendant was regularly taking his cows and buffaloes for bathing in the lake water which is near the plaintiffs house.
Since a very longtime of being used as a bathing lake for the cows and buffaloes has been leaving the area extremely dirty.
That the court has jurisdiction on this matter to fix an injunction on the use of lake water as a bathing area as it creates problems for the society residents as the water flows onto the roads of the residential area.
It is Prayed that a decree for the injunction is passed in favour of the plaintiff against the defendant, and some other relief is granted as the court thinks fit.
Place: Mohan Nagar
Date: 03/02/2022 (Rajat Sharma)
In the above named plaintiff do hereby verify that the contents of the paras no. 1,2,3 and 4 are true to my knowledge and the contents of remaining paras are according to legal advice from my advocate which I believe to be true.
Place: Mohan Nagar S/d of Plaintiff
Date: 03/02/2022
(Rajat Sharma)